How to Stay Active During the Winter

It’s dark; it’s gloomy; it’s snowy; it’s frigid… welcome to Canada. This wintery weather is a great excuse to curl up on the couch, eat comfort food, and binge watch Netflix in front of the fireplace. When you live in a country that is snowy and cold for more than half the year, you need to find ways to come out of hibernation and survive the season. Winter here is a serious business, but that shouldn’t stop you from exercising and staying active. Here are some tips to help you get up and move!

Join a gym or fitness club

Indoor gyms can become your best friend during the winter. If weightlifting and cardio machines are not for you, think of joining a class or two. Fitness classes are fun, motivating and appropriate for people of all levels. Examples include spin, yoga, pilates, Zumba, kickboxing, and so many more! Most health clubs also have a swimming pool or skating rink where you can get active in other ways. Swimming is a great form of exercise that places minimal stress on your joints, while skating is an excellent cardio workout. Find a centre that is close to home or work so that a snowy drive won’t keep you from going.

Exercise at home

Buy yourself some exercise equipment and make a home gym. If you don’t want to spend money, then download fitness apps or search YouTube to find some bodyweight exercise routines to follow along to. Some people have trouble finding motivation to work out at home, but if you don’t have this problem, it is definitely worth considering. It is convenient and flexible; there are no time restrictions; and you have everything you need in the comfort of your own home, meaning you can eat, shower, or even sleep right after!

Go for a hike

If you like hiking in the summer, you will enjoy hiking in the winter just as much! Just remember to layer up, and you will stay warm and dry. Walking on crunchy snow and breathing in crisp air is a nice way to appreciate nature and get active at the same time. It’s a bonus if you have a dog, as they will have lots of fun going on adventures!

Play winter sports

People that play winter sports love winter. Skiing, snowboarding, snowshoeing, and hockey are examples of not only fun but healthy ways of getting physical activity during the winter.

Play indoor sports

Missing your summer sports? Many community centres, arenas, and domes offer indoor soccer, tennis, volleyball, floor hockey, baseball, badminton, and basketball during the winter months. If you want to try something different, consider going bowling with your family or try some new activities such as axe throwing, dancing, or rock climbing.

Mall walk

Mall walking is an easy and free way of getting your steps in. Many malls offer walking programs and early access to people in the community. If you find treadmill walking boring or don’t have access to a gym, this is a great alternative.

Take the stairs

You most likely have access to stairs somewhere, whether it’s at your home, or your apartment building, or at your work. Instead of taking the elevator, use the stairs, and it’s a great way to boost up your heart rate. What about sprinting up the stairs? Or climbing up two at a time?

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and physical fitness is as important in the winter as it is in the summer. Winter is a time to get creative with your exercise routine, but it’s not impossible! How do you stay active during the winter season?

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